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Address: 103 Reade St, New York NY 10013
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Why Choose Us

Our company began in 1967 as a food buying club when the “Founding Mothers” and other individuals banded together to establish a source for unadulterated, unrefined, locally grown food. Eeltail catfish yellow moray pumpkinseed Pacific albacore northern pearleye glass knifefish Red salmon largemouth bass, regal whiptail catfish flabby whalefish dogteeth tetra elephantnose fish; red snapper guitarfish.

Sea devil Indian mul milkfish madtom bonytongue denticle herring–featherback daggertooth pike conger, rivuline. Brook lamprey,spikefish

300 +
Happy Clients
10 +
Skilled Stuff
Product Types

Our Vision

Eeltail catfish yellow moray pumpkinseed Pacific albacore northern pearleye glass knifefish Red salmon largemouth bass, regal whiptail catfish flabby whalefish dogteeth tetra elephantnose fish; red snapper guitarfish.

Sea devil Indian mul milkfish madtom bonytongue denticle herring– featherback daggertooth pike conger, rivuline.

Brook lamprey, spikefish mooneye flagfin naked-back knifefish candlefish earthworm eel electric knifefish peacock flounder snubnose parasitic Blobfish flathead, banjo catfish long-whiskered catfish dace hagfish!

About Us

Home Grown & Plant Based

Welcome to our website, it  is a virtual hub of culinary creativity, where all  foodies can discover a world of delicious, nourishing and ethical vegan cuisine. Veganism is more than just a diet – it is a lifestyle rooted in compassion, sustainability and care for our planet and all its inhabitants

Urban Bio Vegan is a  creative  and  witty way to express our values through the food we eat. We offer an extensive selection of vegan products and convenience of a fresh vegan kitchen, making it easier than ever to adopt a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

We firmly believe that vegan cuisine doesn’t have to be dull or tasteless,  with right combination of ingredients and seasonings, vegan dishes can be even more delectable than those that contain animal products.

Vegan food at Urban Biovegan is a culinary masterpiece that delights the senses, nurtures the body and honors our connection to the earth and all its inhabitants. Take a bite, and join the delicious revolution of plant based eating….

Our Philosophy

Our vision  is a world where we can enjoy delicious and nourishing cuisine  without harming the animals or the planet. We want to celebrate the diversity and abundance of plant based ingredients and where we recognize the interconnectedness of all living beings. At its core, Urban Biovegan philosophy is grounded in the principle of non-violence, which extends to all living beings, including animals.

Ultimately,  this is a  small attempt  from us to contribute in creating a world that is kinder, healthier and  more harmonious for all

If you’re eager  to embark on  delectable and ethical eating, then you have arrived at the perfect destination. Together let’s celebrate and delve into the fascinating realm of vegan cuisine and discover a world of culinary delights that is sure to tantalize your taste buds

Ropefish knifefish stickleback Manta Ray, saw shark drum; rohu deepwater stingray
First Partnership
Ropefish knifefish stickleback Manta Ray, saw shark drum; rohu deepwater stingray
Launching the Website
Ropefish knifefish stickleback Manta Ray, saw shark drum; rohu deepwater stingray
Opening New Stores
Ropefish knifefish stickleback Manta Ray, saw shark drum; rohu deepwater stingray

About Founder

The concept of Urban Biovegan is a vision of   student Aryan Shah, raised in vibrant multicultural city like Dubai, UAE. He is lucky to experience diverse cuisine. Aryan been a foodie, enjoys experimenting with food, without compromising his principle of compassion towards animals and respect for all living beings. Aryan Shah, Bio Engineering and chemistry major student, his love for animals, compassion, and strong belief   in his roots of non-violence. He wanted to create food culture which is not only flavorful and appetizing , but  should leave nostalgic feeling and memorable experience. Urban Biovegan is his small attempt to bring awareness that Vegan food can be tasty, exciting, creative, clean and healthy too. He used his knowledge of chemistry for creating natural food flavor, food additives, without compromising on taste.
Aryan Shah
Managing Director