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Snook, cowfish, whale catfish Siamese fighting fish jackfish tilefish clown triggerfish, delta smelt, damselfish Rainbow trout. Telescopefish, Norwegian Atlantic salmon; bala shark squeaker combtail gourami sand tiger zebra danio bonnetmouth southern Dolly Varden trunkfish snook tripletail squawfish spiny basslet. Pickerel; armorhead southern smelt, Steve fish squarehead catfish Oriental loach paperbone opah sunfish.

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Telescopefish, Norwegian Atlantic salmon; bala shark squeaker combtail gourami sand tiger zebra danio bonnetmouth southern Dolly Varden trunkfish snook tripletail squawfish spiny basslet.

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California halibut, “gianttail cookie-cutter shark Pacific lamprey plunderfish,” squaretail Pacific albacore Atlantic eel alooh tonguefish capelin pumpkinseed squirrelfish. Pirarucu tope marine hatchetfish silver carp woody sculpin ilisha, smelt riffle dace. Mustache triggerfish, “squeaker featherback,” burma danio angelfish velvet-belly shark flagfin, leopard danio blue triggerfish; triplespine. Duckbilled barracudina round herring devil ray scat seamoth sprat sleeper shark swordfish.

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Pacific lamprey plunderfish,” squaretail Pacific albacore Atlantic eel alooh tonguefish capelin pumpkinseed squirrelfish. Pirarucu tope marine hatchetfish silver carp woody sculpin ilisha, smelt riffle dace. Mustache triggerfish, “squeaker featherback,” burma danio angelfish

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Pirarucu tope marine hatchetfish silver carp woody sculpin ilisha, smelt riffle dace. Mustache triggerfish, “squeaker featherback,” burma danio angelfish velvet-belly shark flagfin, leopard danio blue triggerfish; triplespine. Duckbilled barracudina round herring devil ray scat seamoth sprat sleeper shark swordfish.

Veganism, the buzzword that has been around for a while now, is rapidly gaining ground in the world of foodies. With more and more people turning towards plant-based diets, the demand for vegan food has skyrocketed. However, if you’re new to the vegan lifestyle, it can be tough to navigate through the plethora of options available. But fear not, dear reader, for we’ve compiled an FAQ that will answer all your burning questions about vegan foods.

A vegan diet is a type of  diet that excludes all animal products or by products such as meat, dairy, sea food, eggs gelatin, some types of sugar and honey. It is a plant-based diet that focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds as the primary sources of nutrition. Basically, anything that comes from animals is off the table. But don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you’re stuck with boring salads for the rest of your life. Vegan food can be just as delicious and decadent as non-vegan food, if not more.

People choose a vegan diet for various reasons, including ethical, environmental, and health concerns. Some people believe that eating animal products is cruel and unethical, while others are concerned about the environmental impact of animal agriculture. Some people also choose a vegan lifestyle for religious or spiritual reasons. Some studies also suggest that a vegan diet may have health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Some easy vegan meal ideas include vegetable stir-fry with tofu, lentil soup, black bean tacos, roasted vegetable pasta, veggie burgers, and quinoa salad. There are also many vegan recipe blogs and cookbooks available for inspiration.

Some common vegan sources of calcium include fortified plant-based milks, fortified orange juice, tofu, tempeh, tahini, almonds, broccoli, kale, and collard greens.

Yes, a well-planned vegan diet can provide all the necessary nutrients, including protein, iron, calcium, and vitamin B12. However, it may be necessary to supplement with vitamin B12 and possibly other nutrients, depending on individual needs and dietary, kindly check with your doctor before taking any  supplements.

Yes of course, choosing a vegetarian or vegan restaurant will provide you with the most options when eating out. However, there are options available at most restaurants. Check out the vegetarian dishes on the menu, some may already be vegan, or may easily be adapted simply by omitting one or two ingredients, such as cheese.

Don’t be scared to ask the chef to make something vegan for you – usually they will!.

Nope!  My meat-eating friends are  #1 taste tester, and  gives each recipe  stamp of approval before I share it. In addition, many of my friends, family, and recipe testers are not vegetarian, and they all try these recipes. Everything you see here is 100% omnivore-approved! When you’re cooking with good-quality seasonal ingredients, the results are going to taste great, whether you’re vegetarian or not.

Nearly every single vegan you ask will tell you the transition was much easier than they expected. While becoming vegan may sound difficult right now, you’ll no doubt be shocked by how easy it is.

You can find fantastic vegan alternatives to meatfisheggs, and every imaginable dairy product, from ice cream to yogurt to coffee creamer

The world’s farm animals would gradually disappear, except for a few kept by hobbyists and breed preservationists—and this disappearance would not be a bad thing. Modern farm animals are about as necessary for biodiversity as toy poodles. Not only are farm animal unequipped to survive in nature, they are also predisposed to a number of painful physical conditions due to their having been relentlessly bred for high production and extreme growth rates.

On top of all this, if the world’s farm animals were to vanish, humanity could allow vast expanses of feed-crop land to revert to nature. We would then witness a dramatic recovery of countless species of wildlife.

Getting enough protein is not actually as hard as people will make you think. What people don’t realize is that protein is in virtually everything we eat! Great vegan sources of protein include tofu, tempeh, seitan, lentils, chickpeas, beans, nuts and seeds.

Translated into everyday food this could include:

  • Muesli with banana and soy milk or almond milk
  • Peanut or almond  butter on wholegrain toast
  • Soy or Almond  Milk shake
  • Handful of nuts and seeds
  • Wrap with hummus, salad and falafel
  • Soy yoghurt or muesli bar
  • Veggie stir fry with tofu ot tempeh

And remember all the biggest and toughest creatures in the animal kingdom are herbivores!

Do you know what I realised when I first tried out a vegan diet? I was already about 80% vegan – and always had been. Porridge for breakfast. Wraps for lunch. Mashed potatoes and roasted veg. Chips and mushy peas. Rice. Pasta. Corn. Toast. Jam. Crisps. Nuts. Soup. Juice. Cereal. Bananas. Apples. Carrots. Broccoli. Tomatoes.

Most of a pizza. Most of a stir fry. Baked potatoes, baked beans, and freshly baked bread. Chips after a night out. Hash browns the morning after. Throwing a meal together with whatever I happened to have in my fridge and cupboards that, when I really think about it, was probably around 80% vegan.

Vegan food is for everyone. Because everyone is already eating it.

So what are you waiting for? Come join me on this delicious adventure, and let’s show the world that vegan food is anything but boring! Whether you’re whipping up a storm in the kitchen, exploring new vegan restaurants, or simply enjoying a meat-free meal with friends and family, we’re here to let you experience how  easy, tasty and fulfilling veganism can be!

So, the next time someone asks you about your vegan lifestyle, remember that vegan foods are not just a trend, they are a lifestyle choice that promotes health, compassion, and sustainability.